This graph reflects the race/ethnic composition of the jurisdiction at the time of the most recent survey by the Census Bureau. It is included for comparative purposes. The actual local driving population within a given jurisdiction may vary significantly from census figures.
White | Black | Indigenous | Asian | Latinx | Other | Total | |
Population | 123,993 | 119,461 | 1,131 | 14,501 | 22,927 | 1,158 | 291,303 |
Percent | 42.6% | 41.0% | 0.4% | 5.0% | 7.9% | 0.4% |
These graphs reflect the race/ethnic composition of drivers stopped by law enforcement officers in the jurisdiction since the department began reporting its data to the state.
Adjusting the drop down menu will display the race/ethnic composition breakdown of stops on a year-by-year basis. Some percentages may be based on low levels of observation.
This graph displays the number of traffic stops broken down by stop purpose and ethnicity. Adjusting the drop down menu will display the individual stop counts relative to ethnic groups on a year-by-year basis.
Drag the cursor over the graph to see the racial breakdown for any given year. Some percentages may be based on low levels of observation. Click the “Data” tab to review the raw stop data.
This graph displays the number of searches broken down by search type and ethnicity. Adjusting the drop down menu will display the individual search counts relative to ethnic groups on a year-by-year basis.
Drag the cursor over the graph to see the racial breakdown for any given year. Some percentages may be based on low levels of observation. Click the “Data” tab to review the raw stop data.
This graph is a longitudinal representation of the average departmental search rate for vehicle stops since the department began reporting its data to the state. The black line represents the overall search rate for all motorists.
Drag the cursor over the graph to see the race/ethnic composition breakdown for any given year. Some percentages may be based on low levels of observation. Click the "Data" tab to review the actual stop/search counts from the NC Department of Justice.
These graphs reflect the race/ethnic composition of drivers searched by law enforcement officers in the jurisdiction since the department began reporting its data to the state.
Adjusting the drop down menu will display the race/ethnic composition breakdown of stops on a year-by-year basis. Some percentages may be based on low levels of observation.
This graph displays the likelihood of one race/ethnic composition group being searched as compared to another group for a given stop cause. Adjusting the drop down menu will display the likelihood of search relative to another race/ethnic composition group on a year-by-year basis.
This graph displays the percentage of searches that uncovered contraband for a given race/ethnic composition group. Adjusting the drop down menu will display the hit rate on a year-by-year basis.
These graphs reflect the race/ethnic composition of drivers against whom law enforcement officers in the jurisdiction reported using force since the department began reporting its data to the NC Department of Justice.
Adjusting the drop down menu will display the race/ethnic composition breakdown of use-of-force incidents on a year-by-year basis.
Open Data Policing is a first-of-its-kind platform that aims to make real the recommendation of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing to make stop, search, and use-of-force “data...publicly available to ensure transparency.” The site currently aggregates, visualizes, and publishes public records related to all known traffic stops to have occurred in North Carolina since 2002, in Maryland since 2013, and in Illinois since 2005. Data is collected in all states pursuant to mandatory data collection statutes and reported monthly to the NC State Bureau of Investigation, Maryland State Police, and Illinois State Police. The platform does not alter or manipulate raw data. Where data sets are incomplete or missing, it is because they have not been reported to the state agency from which the site derives its records. Although the site permits users to identify the career enforcement patterns of individual officers associated with known traffic stops, Open Data Policing does not have access to, nor does it publish, the names or drivers, passengers, or officers involved in traffic stops.
Open Data Policing is a project of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice. To support the work of the Open Data Policing initiative, click here.